Splendid, triumphant, inspired

The new CD by the Gringolts Quartet received outstanding reviews and was awarded a Diapason d'or.

In early April, the second part of the complete recording of Arnold Schönberg's string quartets was released, which immediately received enthusiastic reviews and was awarded a Diapason d'or in June. In the justification, the reviewer enthused about "interpretations that are even more intense, that go into even more detail and in which the precision of the bow, the free, fully present sound once again proves to be exemplary."

In the magazine Rondo, Eleonore Büning writes about the recording: "The fabulous Gringolts Quartet already succeeded with Vol. 1 (Quartets No. 2 and 4) in making a highly praised, new benchmark recording. This is now triumphantly confirmed by the second album (No. 1 and 3). Inspired by an ardent espressivo, the establishment of the first twelve-tone string quartet in the history of music is at once juicy, sensual and filigree."

© Irmeli Jung

In 2019, Wergo released a portrait CD including Anssi Karttunen’s recordings of Hans Werner Henze’s English Love Songs with the BBC Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Oliver Knussen.