Removing the Anchors

In May 2022, Ensemble Musikfabrik premiered Ming Tsao's Triode Variations in Cologne. We caught up with the composer during a visit to his Berlin flat in the run-up to the performance.

Passing the music and composition room, Ming Tsao leads us into the "Berlin Room" for a conversation. Typical of the city's Wilhelminian architecture, the elongated passageway between the front house and the side wing serves as a living room and, with shelves up to the stucco ceiling, a library. The small district of Friedenau, where the flat is located, breathes history – writers such as Erich Kästner, Uwe Johnson, and Günter Grass lived here, as well as Rosa Luxemburg. Joseph Goebbels wrote his hate speeches virtually next door to the resistance, which also had a stronghold here.
