Cosi 2020 header mag

    Vocal Distancing

    "At a time when the livelihood of artists is fundamentally threatened, they must use their resources in a creative way to find a way out of this crisis," says Dietrich Henschel about his opera project COSÌ.20 – Love is Contagious.

    Mozart's famous opera Così fan tutte, this cynical bet placed on human immorality, examined in an experiment, dissected and seen through a microscope, provides the artist collective ĀRT HOUSE OPERA with the ideal foil for opera in times of social distancing. In their theatrical field study, Dietrich Henschel and stage director Thomas Höft socially separate all players of COSÌ.20 for an intense psycho-experiment, first shown at Lockenhaus Castle from 31 July to 2 August. Will isolation succeed or will it destroy any kind of relationship? Can the contactless exchange of emotions remain free from pain?

    © Irmeli Jung

    In 2019, Wergo released a portrait CD including Anssi Karttunen’s recordings of Hans Werner Henze’s English Love Songs with the BBC Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Oliver Knussen.
